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Showing posts from February, 2017


                MOUSE V/S COMPUTER                   ( INVENTION BATTEL) Most of us have never imagin Computer without Mouse. Personal computer was discovered in August 12, 1981 by IBM. And mouse was discovered in December 9, 1968 by American scientists Douglas Engelbart. On that day he displayed mouse at Stanford Research Institute. First mouse was not look like mouse at all . Mr. Douglas named it "X-Y Position Indicator for Display System". First Computer invented by IBM has no mouse. Its operating system MS-DOS did not have any mouse related functions. WATCH VIDEO SHOWN BELOW TO KNOW -"HOW MOUSE BECAME THE PART OF COMPUTER?"             Thanks For Visiting My Blog..              Love You A Lot.


$$  For  the selling price demand and supply are important but other important factor is Quality. The main composition of petroleum are 1) Carbom __ 83-87% 2)Hydrogen __ 10-14% 3)Nitrogen, Oxygen, Sulphur etc. __ 1-4% But the decideding component is Sulphur, whose measure should not be high. Petroleum with less sulphur is known as sweet and petroleum with high sulphur is known as sour. Sweet petroleum has High Rates. FOR MORE INFORMATION WATCH MY VIDEO(English). Thanks For Visiting My Blog . Keep Smiling. Be Healthy. Keep Loving.

History Of Election Ink(Indelible Ink)

Po st 1:- History Of Election Ink (Indelible Ink)       Electoral ink , indelible ink , electoral stain or phosphoric ink is a semi-permanent ink or dye that is applied to the forefinger (usually) of voters during elections in order to prevent electoral fraud such as double voting. It is an effective method for countries where identification documents for citizens are not always standardised or institutionalised.     During the first election in India, the election commission faced one of their biggest issues: identification theft. To protect people from casting their vote twice they reached out to the NPL (National Physical laboratory) of India. A team of scientists led by Dr. M.L. Goel FCS (Fallow's Chemical Society, London) to make an ink to protect the interest of Indian population. The Indian government started the use of Indelible ink during the third election and since then has used the same products till today. The Indian government